The following article aims to provide you with a “questions and answers” about our services. We want that when thinking about consuming any of our services, you are left with no doubts. In the end the important thing is that you feel within our family.
Who We Really Are?
We are a different alternative to communicate and support the cryptocurrency market and other financial markets, being honest, with a transparent, strategic and creative way. So the idea of consolidating us as an educational and research center for financial markets.
In the first steps of this path, we want to offer you high quality trading signals, based on technical analysis using most theories, with good returns and profits; and the opportunity to advertise your project or brand within our community, at a price that fits in any bag.
Initially we want to fully cover the cryptocurrency market. Why? Simple to answer: it is a new market, with a small capitalization, which needs a lot of attention; and which it also promises to be the most efficient solution in the current economic system of most countries.
Cryptocurrencies And Blockchain Best Solution
We believe that the cryptocurrency market will provide the total and comprehensive solution to the financial markets as a whole. It will make it possible to trade common assets, commodities, CFDs, government bonds, state pairs and much more. This will be possible due to the mass adoption of blockchain technology, which will be the main engine for a fairer and more decentralized economy.
By the above, we mean that we are not ruling out the Forex market, the trading of common assets and all financial markets. We want to say that we are already seeing the future that is coming and from now on we want to prepare for that. For this reason we will start in the first instance with the cryptocurrency market and after a few we will integrate other markets.
Who Manages This Project?
Who is currently managing this project is Pedro Hernandez. I was born in Colombia and I am a resident in Brazil. I am a System Engineer, graduated from the Universidad del Magdalena and with experience in software development and system analysis.
I entered the cryptocurrency market through the “Infocrypto” project and seeing the new market needs created the “Rubika® Ventures” project as a more dynamic alternative for investors.
Since I worked on the previous project, I have always been a good professional for marketing and advertising, but in my spare time I have dedicated myself to studying the techniques of financial markets and applying technical, geometric and mathematical knowledge, I created my own trading method that It is the one that I share with you every day and from which many have already benefited.
Of all the theories the one that applies the most and I am a fan is the “Gann’s Theory”. That is why the technical analyzes see traces of some lines as if they were angles. I also believe that financial markets are cyclical and geometrically repetitive over time, so I understand very well that we can apply “chaos theory” to technical analyzes of cryptocurrencies.
My specialty in this market within the technical analysis is to evaluate by means of the indicators and the lines, critical points and convergence. Yes, exactly! I use mathematics and geometry to my advantage.
You can contact me on Telegram as for some co-operation or business matters.
Is There Any Government Endorsement?
We believe a lot in the philosophy of business decentralization. So, at the moment we are not an “institution or company legally registered with any central government”. At the moment we are acting on our own, but soon, we will be doing the legalization process as a “financial publisher” and the governmental legal framework.
It is entirely recognizable that on Telegram (mainly) many of the crypto communities do not want to undergo that process. The primary reason for that is that cryptocurrencies allow for that: an economy of freedom, in which governments are “few recognizable.”
It is also worth clarifying that, we are also within that process of being supported by the small groups of main auditors that we have in the market. One of those is, a small platform that audits all the channels that offer the same or similar services to ours. We emphasize: it is all a matter of time and patience.
How Much Market Time Do We have?
We have the experience of following the cryptocurrency market for around three consecutive years.
Our passion was born from the last bull run in 2017, but we formally started individual activities in August 2019, the year in which we separated from the previous project where we were working. In total it is more than seven months since we started this individualized project.
Is There A Fixed Office Or Workplace?
We would really love to have one. But for the moment we see that we can work in the “Home Office” mode or remote space. In the end, communication tools allow us to work from any corner of the world.
We are a community that loves decentralized work without the need to be in a fixed place. It is clear that with the rise of the internet this is increasingly expanding. There is no longer a need for expensive offices to run a business or project. Recall that great entrepreneurs such as “Bill Gates or Jobs” started everything from a garage.
We believe that in the future we will have an office that allows us to get closer to our clients and close friends. But we are also already thinking of a way to connect with our audience through video conferences and live and direct trading classrooms.
Do You Have Any Official Site?
The first answer is “NO”. We do not have an official site to back up our information. In any case, we are putting on paper a technological project that will provide you, with the highest possible quality, the best and largest services on the market. So the second answer is “Yes, we are already thinking about creating a portal based on blockchain technology with integration on multiple platforms.”
Publish0x A Good Beta Alternative
At the moment we are using the services provided by Publish0x, which is basically the answer for Medium and Wordpress with the alternative that we can be reciprocal, that is to say with your donations made we can make our community grow, but you also get critical coins for having read and learned from our constant publications. We love this tool due to the fact that donations or tips are made through cryptocurrencies.
The above means: that while you are learning about this new market you can earn a few changes for valuing our information.
Publish0x was really the tool that helped us a lot to build our main service: a dynamic magazine called “Rubikav®☀️Insider” to share the market news, our personal information and the technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.
We have grown together and there are already more than 777 people who have believed in our work on that platform. So far, we have already written over 150 blogs which has helped many to understand the most complex things in the cryptocurrency market and other markets.
With Publish0x what we are doing is creating our Beta project. An initiative to find out the needs of curious people, newbies, investors and many actors in the financial markets.
Ho Can I Not Miss Anything?
In order not to miss any publication on our official blog, you simply have to follow the official profile of “Rubika Ventures®” at the web address and clicking the “Follow” button.
Every time we publish a new story, Publish0x will notify you by activating the chime above. Also, in each publication there is the option to follow us, as shown in the following picture.
In this view there is also the button for you to make your crypto donation or tip to us and the comments section where you can leave us your opinion, any questions or something you have learned.
It is also important to activate notifications on our official Telegram channel. People on Telegram are always notified faster and much earlier than the Publish0x email marketing that is still in the implementation phase.
Of course, never forget to leave us your @ like @. That also helps a lot.
Uptrennd Our Favorite Forum
On certain occasions we will be using “Uptrennd” to send you information where we need to generate some debate. The truth is that this tool is exceeding expectations and is positioning itself as the best alternative for the problems that “Reddit” and other platforms are having.
Really that community throughout the days is growing more and more. That is because of the opportunity it provides. In other words, for each of our advertisements you help us create more content with your vote and for each comment you earn points and those points can be exchanged for the 1UP cryptocurrency.
At that web address and after creating your account, you can follow us so you don’t miss a thing. Actually the notification system of this tool is excellent and will let you know when we create a new post for you to participate and earn points.
Our Main Partners
We also have a partnership with “The Capital”, an independent cryptocurrency magazine, where we won a special space to publish our editorial stories.
But we also earned the love of the community from various blockchain projects, the Uptreend community and the respect of the Publish0x community. Over time and according to our needs, we will create new ties.
Cornix Auto Trade Bot Company
We were officially listed on the Cornix website as partners! Check here
Please all questions or problems with Cornix, write to the support on Telegram @cornix_tech_support_bot —
Why The Trading Rooms Are On Telegram?
Telegram is positioning itself as the most complete platform for mass information dissemination. That is why our main broadcast channel was created in that tool.
At Telegram, we have configured everything so that your trading experience, information search and communication is more efficient and automatically, so that you save time and money.
In the channel “Rubikav®☀️Insider” there are already more than 1k+ of people who are interested in learning about our work, and we know that many of these people have already had both financial and educational results.
The Results And Feedback Channel
In addition to our main channel, we have two additional public channels: one to publish the compilation of the trading results; and the other to publish community feedback and opinions about our work.
With these channels, you can more easily retract the results obtained in real time from the trading operations and those opinions that are being generated by people in our community.
Public Official Community
Additionally, we have our public community where each of the participating people can answer their questions and share their ideas about the financial markets.
This group or community is connected to our main channel, which enables all the information to reach people without a hitch. Really what matters most in this market is to be well informed and get alerts of trading opportunities in as little as possible.
Why Don’t We Use Discord?
After a survey of our audience, many voted to stay on Telegram. We believe that Telegram in the near future will have the same Discord functionalities and among these allow the creation of a unified server where all the communication channels are. It’s just being patient then.
In any case, the creation of a mobile application that unifies all the services that we have been creating and offering are already among the future projects.
I Can’t Find The Main Channel, How Can I Do It?
At the time of writing our guide and if you are new here, our main channel (free) is in private mode. The reason for that is because we are in an audience building phase. Anyway the official address is
When you find the public channel you will come across a test channel. We really want to make it clear that that will be temporary. To go to our official channel, simply join the official channel at the link we have published in the last post.
Why Do We Offer Premium Services?
Recognizing that in this market what matters most is the time, we think and create a premium community for those people who have the burning desire to feel exclusive with quality service.
With “Rubikav® Premium🔅Insider”, we want to offer you the best trading strategies, real-time technical analysis, personal investment recommendations, and notify you of upcoming cryptocurrency events, long before other groups do it.
Long before creating trading signals, in this channel the technical analysis of cryptocurrencies and market reports are sent. We know intelligently that it is first necessary to study and analyze the strategy and then create an intelligent planning that can be executed with ease and that can generate good profits with less losses.
Is All The Information Shared With The Free Community?
Unfortunately, we reserve the right not to share all valuable information from the premium community to the free community. Many market research takes time and effort, and those who subscribe as premium members get that exclusivity.
Our workflow works as follows: after conducting market research to send valuable information or trading strategies, which include trading signals within the above; this information is compiled after a period of “expiration” and then, it shared on the free channel and to the entire community in general.
We don’t just want to offer you trading signals. Market is really saturated with that. We want to provide relevant information and trading strategies so you know how to swim in a sea of sharks and get out of there unscathed.
Market research, and in general, have that objective that we have just explained to you metaphorically: seek to show you the past, present and future of assets and, above all, they exponentially show the upcoming movements of the major players or as they commonly call them, “ the whales in the market“.
At the end of the day, this game is not only about trading signals, but also the careful study of the market in all aspects plays an important role.
What Are These Market Studies Made Of?
We mainly use the theories of: Elliot, Fibonacci and Gann; mathematical and geometric theories, evaluation of supports and resistances through the reading of indicators, which are analyzed in real time (early adopter) using the Coinigy tool; and in a way, we like to study the cyclical patterns by means of the Mandelbrot theory (chaos theory).
All of the above is condensed in a study that “Pedro Hernandez” calls “Multidimensional Technical Analysis”. A whole process of engineering. It really is an exclusive and unique trading method within the market. It is a type of strategy using engineering knowledge.
For the near future we will be integrating off-chain studies into our trading strategy. We understand that this type of study confers important information to evaluate the real sentiment of the market.
In addition, we are already thinking about the complete integration of Tradingview to make the pertinent studies of other markets other than the cryptocurrency market.
“Early Adopter or Real Time” is what keeps us from making many mistakes and helps reduce losses. We have already discovered that exchanges do not actually make this fully available in charts. Asset information arrives a little late.
How Are Market Studies Done?
We always prioritize the study of Bitcoin for obvious reasons. That is why we constantly send our premium subscribers the monthly, weekly, daily and hourly technical analysis of Bitcoin. We recognize that Bitcoin shows us the real situation of the market.
Unlike the above and thanks to “Binance Futures”, we are already integrating Altcoins studies. That is why we have already put Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash and Eos as a second priority, to carry out a monthly, weekly, daily and hourly tracking.
Also, a few of us are creating studies for assets other than cryptocurrencies. All markets begin to correlate and it is important to see everything as a “whole”. The rules of the game are clear and it is important to know how to play them.
What Is The Premium Trading Room About?
We like to organize things and that is why we have created a dedicated channel to only share all the previously analyzed trading signals.
It is a dedicated channel for the above purpose, primarily because our signals are configured to be used automatically by the “Cornix” system, a Telegram Bot that allows you to follow the signal in a simple and automatic way, as we have said.
We reserve the right not to send all premium signals to the public channel. Premium subscribers always get the most benefit from this service.
About The Format Of The Signals
We have spent time looking for exactly what investors need in a trading signal and reason for multiple doubts that have arisen, here we explain in detail the two types of formats that we have.
Signals For The Bitcoin Market
With this question, we have already taken the opportunity to clarify that our focus here is to use the exchange “Binance” to carry out trading operations within the Bitcoin market and “Binance Futures” for margin operations.
So, in order to follow our trading signals it is important to create an account on this exchange. That does not mean that you are not free to choose your preferred exchange, be it Bittrex, Kucoin, Houbi.Pro, Bybit, Derebit and etc., simply that by the Cornix system and to avoid real headaches, we will give priority to the support of the Binance exchange.
The signal is then made up of the following parameters:
Signal Pair: it is the currency pair that the automatic system the trader will buy.
Chart Link: it is the link of the graph of the technical analysis to be consulted and studied with greater visibility.
Client or Exchange: it is the name of the exchange where the system or trader will buy the pair of the signal currency that we have sent.
Amount: it means the amount of capital that the system or the trader will choose from the total capital that it has within the exchange. For this type of operations for BTC pairs, we always designate between 10% to 20% of the total capital and also depending on the potential of the currency in question.
Entry Targets: We configure the signals to have a medium price range. That is, and depending on the number of inputs, the system or the trader will take the configured percentage for each input. In the example in the image 50% of the percentage of the total capital amount takes a first entry and the other 50% takes another entry.
This configuration has two objectives: the first is to activate the range of average prices measured by means of support indicators; and second to start with risk management.
The foregoing means the following: in the event that the signal sent decreases its strength and has taken only one entry, Cornix for the case will calculate in the stop loss only 50% of the percentage of the amount of capital taken from the total existing capital and it will execute the stop loss if it were to happen. Successively and depending on the case.
We want you to always lose as little as possible in case the signal is not given.
Take Profit Targets: They are the targets to take profits. These are always calculated with the previously created technical analyzes and under the parameters of the indicators. We promise a minimum of 6% profit per signal and up to 50% profit if the market allows it.
Stop Target (100%): it is the stop that we have previously calculated for the case in which the trading signal loses strength or the market suffers some alteration outside our calculated parameters. We always calculate between 9% to 15% of stop loss.
Risk Reward: risk on return is a calculation we make so that the trader knows the total risk of the signal based on the return it will have.
Creation Date: is the date on which the trading operation was created or sent. Many of the members of the free channel have already seen that the delivery date always differs from the creation date.
Trailing Configuration: it is a parameter that is sent to Cornix so that it considers using the stop type “trailing” and under the break.
By Cornix parameters in case the signal is positive but the market trend begins to fall, Cornix will always prioritize the closure of the signal in at least the first target.
Take Note: some trading signals will take a note or observation so that the trader knows what must be taken into account when entering this trade.
One Click Follow And Follow Signal: these buttons are used to follow the signal with Cornix automatically. “One Click To Follow” will follow one click and “Follow The Signal” will allow you to follow the signal step by step in the Bot.
For security reasons we are configuring the signals to be taken only in the suggested price range. In case someone wants to enter and the purchase prices are not in this range, this message will appear.
We are really taking all the preventive measures so that your experience with us is the best.
Futures Market Or Marging Trading Signals
We recognize that margin trading signals for Binance Futures have a higher risk, so within a signal you can find other additional parameters. These are:
Trade Type: this is the type of operation that we are going to carry out. Long means in favor of the trend and short means against the trend.
We believe that Cornix in the results will shortly present for this type of operations the type of operation we are performing, as well as a real-time graph. At the moment the result alert shows us the pair we are operating, the profit and the duration of the trade or period.
Leverage: it will be the amount of leverage that we will use. We know the risk and that is why we reserve the right to suggest from 5x to 10x.
Liquidation Price: it is an approximate value of the price at which the position can be liquidated in case the trend goes against the type of margin operation that we are doing.
For margin operations we promise at least that the first target is met. Others consider them timely earnings.
How Many Trading Signals Are Sent Per Day?
We will really tell you the truth. Our strategy is not day trading. We know that many seek this, but we want to be a driving channel to have the best investment recommendations per month.
Actually many have seen that we obtain better results doing Swing Trading based on the daily, weekly and monthly charts. The hourly or 4H chart for us simply shows us the trajectory of the asset but the other chart times eliminate all the noise from the market. And the above is the primary reason for obtaining this type of operation.
However, we do not want to promise a number of signals per day or per week. Month by month we will be making a better investment portfolio for the case of Altcoins and careful monitoring for the assets of Binance Futures.
Why Not A Certain Number Of Signals?
We want you to save as much as possible on feed payments and we want to reduce market stress.
With the above, we make it clear that at least one day a week we take a break but we are always monitoring the market every day.
Our silence in our communication channels does not mean that we are working, we are simply taking a break, creating an academic article or analyzing the market.
In synthesis we prefer quality instead of quantity. We faithfully believe that with little we can get a lot and even the same results that we get with a large number of signals.
Our Potential Differential
In addition to the Telegram channels that, we have presented to you and the media school that we have, within Telegram we have created a space dedicated to education.
Academy Center Channel
Rubikav® Premium 📈(Academy Center) it is what makes us different from other communities. It is a whole library where we share books, trading tips, strategies, learning and many educational materials to reinforce our career as traders. The information in this space is almost never shared with the free community.
That space will soon serve to send market research on-chain, but it is also a space creatively thought out for many to take advantage of acquiring high-quality knowledge.
The Market Research Format
Many subscribers in our communication channels have already noticed that our market research format is very complete and that is exactly what we want: that they be clear and clarify what we want to transmit.
This format is then composed of: the micro image of the technical analysis, the complete description of the technical analysis without omitting anything, the link of the image so that you can see the technical analysis on a large scale and the information of the cryptocurrency that was analyzed.
Premium Support Group
In addition to the above, we have an exclusive community or group for premium members as a channel of communication in a matter of support, questions and some problems presented.
The members of this group always receive some important information and some market alerts long before the members that belong to our free community.
How Much Does The Premium Plan Service Cost?
Carrying out a small market survey, we saw that traders or investors always obtain the following plans for the premium service.
Each plan was thought understanding each need of each person who wants a quality financial advisory service and with good results.
For example: for the semiannual and annual plan, if we divide the total enrollment by the number of months, it would give less than $60 dollars per month, an amount that can be recovered in each trading signal or investment recommendation. In the case for the Lifetime Plan, it is less than one coffee per day.
Paying your membership helps us a lot to support most of the paid tools we use to help you with your trading operations. We want you to be calm, enjoy the family and only obtain results and profits. Those tools allow us to do the work for you so that you have more time for your life.
Another important thing and related to payments, is that they can be altered according to the quote of the day. Anyway, every alteration is reported to the community.
Why Do We Eliminate The Monthly And Quarterly Plan?
We remove the monthly and quarterly plan merely because we want that you to have results in considerable time. It is also a fact that the market every month is not in better condition, so it is better to opt for a longer subscription.
But if you want to test for one month the cost is $100 USD. Remembering that it is important to be clear that the person who wants a month must recognize the market conditions. There are months that we can have many opportunities as there are other months where the market is almost nil.
The member, person or subscriber who opts for the monthly subscription will not have access to the support group, nor portfolio management, nor the right to resolve doubts, nor the academic channel, nor the market research channel. It will only have the right to trade signals.
At the end of the subscription the member, person or subscriber will be immediately removed from our premium community and will be alerted on Telegram of the expiration of their subscription.
Do You Have Any Trial Service?
Unfortunately we do not have a trial service for you to try our premium services for free for a short period of time. In exchange for that, we offer you to join our free channel.
Remembering that the difference between the premium channels and the free channel is that the free channel sometimes we have an excess of information and advertising and in premium channels we do not have that drawback.
In our free channel, you will have the opportunity to test our trading signals and our market studies without paying absolutely anything.
On the other hand, and taking advantage of this question, we want to make it clear that there will be occasions when some urgent information will be notified on the free channel. From our intuition, this information is called “global information for subscribers or members”.
Another great advantage of premium subscribers is the great opportunity to learn about the new changes, tools or next steps that we will take in relation to our business or company project.
How Do I Pay For My Subscription?
Know that for basic questions or a quick consultation we do not charge anything. You can contact at any time with our support account on Telegram, and make your query or resolve any questions.
In the case that you obtain payment for your subscription, simply contact us by Telegram at or by email
When making us please inform us of the plan you want, your email and the Telegram user. On our part, we will supply you with the Bitcoin address to make the payment.
In the case that you feel confident in making the payment without contacting us, it is only to choose the desired plan and make the transaction to the following Bitcoin address: 17EVmMbLBgFZ7LUGgtoirtXDEKBror8suf.
After payment, please send the TxHash ID and the basic data that we have described here either by email or by Telegram. After confirmation of payment through the network we will be officially making your subscription.
Additionally, if you wish, we accept internal transfer via Binance. Our Bitcoin address is Binance’s own. In that case, please inform us at the time of registration that your transaction type was internal.
In case you want to pay your membership with another type of cryptocurrency, it is important that you notify us in advance.
Why A Single Payment?
Payment is one-time and will be renewable after the plan expiration time. In each case and specifically for the semi-annual and annual plan, we previously notify the subscriber of the expiration of their subscription.
If you do not respond, the person is immediately removed from our premium channels without prior notice.
With a single, non-fractional payment, we avoid huge financial management problems.
Member Loyalty Opportunity
An important consideration: The member, subscriber or person who pays for a shorter period (be it monthly, semi-annual or annual) can choose to upgrade the current subscription to a longer subscription with the remaining surplus.
An example: if a person pays the subscription for six months worth $350 USD and wants to opt for the annual plan worth $530 USD, it simply must inform us, at least one month before the end of its subscription, the intention to want to upgrade your subscription and we will simply collect the remaining surplus in the amount of $200 USD; and vice versa with the other subscriptions.
In the event that the member, subscriber or person who does not inform us of its intention to upgrade its subscription to a subscription of greater duration at least one month before the current end of the obtained subscription, we simply will not consider your application and the member, subscriber or person will have to pay the normal value of the subscription that they will choose to continue with our services.
Other Important Basic Issues
We know that in relation to questions, these will never end. But in this last section we leave those that are the most basic and always ask us more.
How do I invest?
To start trading operations, simply create an account on an exchange and follow our trading signals or market research. We highly recommend Binance as your primary reference. You can register here
Some important: there will be times that the trading signals will be compensated with the recommendations of our market studies in the case that due to lack of time we have not been able to send the official signal.
After all the process of registration in the exchange and account validation, the most important thing is to deposit Bitcoins or USDT as initial capital to start trading operations.
How Much Capital Do I Need To Invest?
We never make a recommendation of a huge amount of money in case you are a novice in this market. Anyway, a good start-up capital to learn how to multiply part from $100 dollars. But we make it clear that each person is free to decide how much capital they want to start.
Do You Have Guides Or Tutorials?
Yes. We’ve already written some starter guides that can be very helpful. Just send us a message to the support account and ask for the guide you need, and why or any suggestion for a book to learn.
Can I Request An Advice By Video Conference?
If you can. But at the moment we are only supporting the languages of Portuguese and Spanish. In the near future we will be creating more specific communities and for each need.
We make it clear that our main language of communication is English. But for reasons of agility, understanding and transmission of information via Video conference, we only master the languages mentioned above perfectly.
Also, as we have already said, we are creating a space for interaction with our community to give video classrooms in real time, always prioritizing premium subscribers. It is worth that this is in previous study and testing.
I Took A Trading Signal But It Hit The Stop
Of all the questions this is the most troubling of all. Basically the cryptocurrency market has a main advantage in relation to other markets: by taking a stop we simply lose bitcoin if the signal taken was at this pair or dollar if the signal was taken in a margin trade.
But over time, that can be offset by another successful trading operation or by valuing the purchased cryptocurrency.
It seems like a joke, but within the cryptocurrency market it seems that we never lose capital and we do appreciate capital appreciation or devaluation due to high volatility.
Really and finally, we take the personal job of reducing as many losses as possible. That is why we do our market research with care and love.
Where To Check The Trading History?
You can do that in the following link
With this, our main rule regarding trades and results is that month after month we will go to close all operations independently if they still continue to make profits or not, to compile the results and make them known to the entire community.
There will be special recommendations that we will leave open for the potential that we recognize that they may have, but our goal is the monthly compilation of operations.
What Are The Rules Of The Community?
Given that we know that Telegram is currently having many problems with identity copy, spam, theft, copyright and other problems due to the indisputable misuse by many people, we do not make the right to publish the following rules for all members of our community:
❌It is not allowed to copy, paste or re-send trading signals to other channels or telegram groups. The member or subscriber who is caught doing this type of act will be banned entirely from our community. It is also important to clarify that in this case, nothing will be notified. We will simply go to execute our action or penalty.
❌The re-sale of signals is strictly prohibited, so this act can cause the member to be automatically expelled. If you are a premium member, in addition to being expelled or banned, we will not have a refund of the money paid for the subscription.
⚠️It is important to respect all members within the community, so obscene words, videos not alluding to our community or content outside of our pattern will be completely eliminated and if the member persists, it will be due to their due penalty. Communities were created with the primary purpose of supporting everyone and sharing ideas about financial markets.
👍🏻We implement a period of one week for paid members or subscribers, in the event that any inconvenience or displeasure arises, to request a full refund of the subscription if the case warrants it.
👍🏻After that week, unfortunately, if the member or subscriber has a serious problem or disagrees with our services, we will not be able to make any refund.
✅It is worth clarifying that the merit week includes having paid for the premium service.
⚠️Important to be clear that we are not responsible for the use of third-party services, call Cornix, 3Commans, or other type of tool used to make autotrade. We understand very well the ease that these services provide, but it should also be clear that we are simply providers of trade signals and academic content for the financial markets.
❌We do not accept members who want to carry out fraudulent actions such as PUMP, DUMP, pyramids, referral marketing without due authorization and among other types. Our primary reason is to be a financial publisher where they can have the best and most lucrative opportunities within the market, and primarily the cryptocurrency market. But also academic and educational content.
About Risk Management
👍🏻Another very important thing: we already do risk control by doing some calculations in our trades. But it should be noted that each member must do their own risk management. When taking our recommendations or trade signals, please always do a preliminary analysis and check for possible errors.
👍🏻Please always enter a signal when you are in the recommended buy zone. Our duty is to follow the signals and warn of possible market corrections, but it is enough to know that the member or the subscriber must also do their part in risk management that is outside of our recommendations or what is sent in our communication channels.
👍🏻It is very important to warn for people who have acquired or want to belong to our premium telegram community, that there will be times, (very few), that we will not be sending trade signals to be taken with Cornix or another automation tool in our channel “Rubikav Premium Trading Room“, we will simply be using our ”Rubikav Premium Insider“channel as an investment recommendation channel based on a market study.
👍🏻Then that recommendation will be valid as a trade signal or alert signal and will be entering the accounting of the results. This clarification is made because we recognize high market volatility and market research is quicker to do than trade signals.
See you in the next story! With love 💛 Rubika Ventures Team!
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Remember, investment in cryptocurrencies or other assets has a moderate risk, so it is important to have a detailed study of the possible scenarios before placing your money at risk.