Important Changes In This Community To Start A Good Year

5 min readJan 2, 2022

After an excellent period of vacation, we want the few to resume the normal activities of this community. For some years we have covered the cryptocurrency market and other markets in a dynamic and fun way; and today we bring news.

We recognize that these small changes bring upheavals for some, but then they will understand that change also means evolving, transforming and improving. However, we always want the best for everyone.

It is well known that today people seek more professional and personal advice. That is why we have decided to make these changes.

First factor for this, we need better communication and community management. It is time to express ourselves, give our opinion, make ourselves known and above all have a constantly growing community that interacts daily.

Goodbye Telegram

Telegram is not a bad communication tool. We will never express the negative part of that tool that has helped us with the communication of everyone in the community. But today is the time to say “goodbye Telegram”.

As much as the founder promises to improve the tool in several ways, it still presents a huge problem for business and community management. Among them, the management of members and the organization of channels. It really is a chaos in that sense.

Additionally, Telegram takes a long time to offer voice channels that allow better interaction with members. As we said before, today people want to communicate in a more emotional way and in a space where everyone can express their opinions and thoughts.

Welcome Discord

Due to the above, we are moving our entire community to Discord. Why? Continue reading.

After about two years of having experienced changes in society and due to social distancing, many people looked for better alternatives of communication and remote work. People needed private areas of communication and interaction that were fast and fun.

For this reason, the growth of Discord reaches almost to the limits. In addition, as we have been saying, this tool is more organized and allows us to offer you a better advisory service for the cryptocurrency market and other financial markets.

We can simply with this tool provide support for several communities on the same server, without the need to be creating multiple information channels and sending multiple alerts at the same time.

The best of all is that we have separated the communities. We now support English, Portuguese and Spanish languages. You know something … see for yourself. Join here Do not stand out!

Premium Membership Prices

We would really like our community to be 100% free and without additional costs to the trading tools that we use daily. But, we have our main reasons to offer a dedicated space for those traders and investors who are demanding and want to save time and money.

Among these reasons, the main one is that we use the best technical analysis and account management tools that allow us to send you market information in real time. These tools are unfortunately not free and have to be supported in some way.

After an annual analysis, we perceive that the values mentioned in the image are mainly adjusted to each need and type of client. They are more flexible prices than what the market offers today. For us it will always be better quality instead of quantity. Check more information here

Different Payment Modes

Thinking about the improved quality of the service, we have decided to expand the forms of payment of subscriptions and sending commissions for those who decide to opt for help in managing their investment accounts.

We will continue with payments through cryptocurrencies, but we want to offer the possibility of paying your membership by Paypal, Nequi (only for Colombian members) and payments by credit card.

Currently, cryptocurrency payments are implemented on our site and payments through Paypal are being implemented. However, if you choose to pay through Paypal, we will be making the transactions manually in our payment check-up. And in the case for Colombian resisdents, a payment portfolio has been enabled by Nequi.

Additionally, we explain that we give the possibility of paying the manager plan monthly but reaching an agreement that will benefit both parties.

New Service Format

Having more payment modes and based on previous results, we observe that the best business model that fits our parameters is to help investors, enthusiasts and crypto fans to find the best opportunities in the market, but with a format that is simple. and easy to manage.

We do not want to completely discard trade signals, but we do want to continue better with market studies that make it possible to create an investment portfolio in the short, medium and long term.

For this new periodof work, we will add new launches, common interests, NTFs and projects with high potential to our portfolio. As well as, a gradual organization of the space and work environment that enables the reduction of losses and the generation of gradual stress. We repeat again: we want quality, not quantity.

Further, we will be expanding the possibility of advertising in our community. Service that will be offered to other communities wanting to grow.

Help Us To Grow

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Also visit our official website and join our community on Telegram following this link

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